
David Gaudin (

relaxed people watching BlowUp collective's slideshow in the second room blue & flowing visuals by 3form un pavé de saumon saisi à la poële, accompagné d'asperges et autres légumes amis, rehaussé de riz et de fleurs John Xela (live) Stef 3form (VJ) JaK (Timeless Network stand) Lackluster (live) Lackluster (live) Damien, Kettel & Lackluster 's arms Lackluster (live) Kettel (preparing live) & Lackluster (live) Kettel (live) the courageous bar team people sitting, relaxing, talking, eating... in the second room food stand in the second room Gregory Lowfish (live) Lowfish (live) + Myop (VJ) Lowfish (live) Myop (VJ) Lowfish (live) Lowfish (live) Lowfish (live) late people moving, dancing, jumping