La mélodie, légère, est omni présente tout comme ces rythmes que l'on pourra qualifier d'aquatiques (les gouttes de pluie s' éclatent joyeusement dans la rivière et provoque le rythme en claquant sur l'eau !). L'envie d'exploration de nouveaux horizons sonores, tout en rythmes rapides et swingants, tout en mélodies frêles et revitalisantes [...]
Rawakari makes the kind of music that Squarepusher would be making today had he never discovered free Jazz - gorgeous messed up yet coherent fractured beats, fragile melodies and a jerking (not quite drillin') use of beats accompanied by bass. This truly is a modern classic of dispossessed electyronic beat music [...]
Rhythmic electronic music, mainly built with stereo worked experimental trip hop rhythms, to some more jungle unstructured rhythms, with manipulated electro-concrete sounds, sometimes melodies, sometimes mainly built with concrete noises,.... this is a really brilliant work of experimental-unstructured rhythmic music [...]
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