[...] Our Noise, petit bijou d’electronica ciselée au mépris des contingences de tout ordre. Sensuelles et sans superflu, plus câlines que chagrines, leurs volutes grisent au point qu’on les écoute s’épanouir dans l’air avec ce même émerveillement qu’enfant, l’on ressent au spectacle d’un feu d’artifice. [...] Our Noise privilégie la douceur sans s’interdire des accès de fureur [...]
(les Inrocks)
[...] A côté, le duo Herrmann & Kleine, plus proche d’une electronica qui rencontre la pop instrumentale, reste conduit par un même soucis de finesse. [...] Our noise est alors un disque plus proche de Boards of Canada [...] qui nous ramènerait presque un temps du côté de My Bloody Valentine. Une comparaison exigeante, mais en l’occurrence méritée.
[...] on conseillera à tous les amateurs d'électronique mélodique, à commencer par tous les amateurs de Boards of Canada, de se procurer cet album initiatique qui pourrait valoir de nombreux prosélytes à l'international electronica. Confortable et de bon goût.
Avec leurs sons de batterie certifiés vintage et leur sens de la mélodie digitale, les Berlinois Thaddeus Herrmann et Christian Kleine ont tout du parfait hybride entre Joy Division et Boards Of Canada. [...]
Our Noise has exactly the same effect as this light has. There are crucial points in these ten tracks where luminescent melodies appear from out of nowhere that seem to push everything else aside. Subtle basslines and beat structures that sometimes perpetually move into rhythmic chaos cannot really conceal the fact that this is nothing less than glorious pop. [...] Thaddeus Herrmann and Christian Kleine prove once more that a sum consists of more than just the contents of its parts. This music here comes from directions as diverse as HipHop (Kleine), 80s-Synth-Pop (Herrmann) and classic indie rock (both).
(Forced Exposure)
The collaboration between Christian Kleine and Thaddeus Hermann, both veterans of the Berlin electronic scene , this album finds itself a sun-drenched halfway house between the ethereal/lush guitar strums and electronic sceneries that Mr Kleine has mastered across his work for the City Centre Offices and Morr Music Labels, and Thaddi’s delicious, crunchy beat work and his adherence to all things analogue and blue.
Herrmann and Kleine seem to have a gift for lush melodies, expertly mixed in with infectious hip-hop beats and beautiful, underlying atmospheres. Their trademark song structures tend to construct within the complicated framework of emotion and dance appeal, many times building each song to an elaborate peak, before breaking it down to allow the listener a reflective ponder of what had just unfolded. [...] 'Our Noise' is an appropriate first full-length for this extremely talented duo and will undoubtedly be embraced by fans of Ulrich Schnauss, Bola, and Morr Music/City Centre catalog collectors. One of the best albums this year so far.
(Purist Online Review)
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